My 2012 Fitness Log

After the New Year, it took me a while to get restarted with exercise. But now I'm beginning a log of everything I do to stay in shape and work towards my 12K goal in March!

1/26/2012: 2.9 mile run in 29 minutes (10 min/mile pace)
1/29/2012: 30 minute strength & cardio session, moderate difficulty

2/6/2012: 2.9 mile run, ~30 min (>10 min mile)
2/25/2012: 2 mile run/hike, ~40 min (running until steep, then hiking!)

3/3/2012: 3.2 mile run, ~ 35 min (10 min mile) -- have to start training, 12K run on the 18th!!
3/5/2012: 3 mile run, 9 min. mile
3/7/2012: 3 mile run, 9.5 minute mile
3/18/2012: 7.45 mile run, 10.49 minute mile!

4/16/2012: 3 mile run, 10 min. mile (ouch, it has been a while).
4/28/2012: 2 mile beach run, unknown pace, sandy & wind-filled

Update: I'm signed up for Bay to Breakers on May 20th. I can't wait! But I'm also out of shape in a major way, so I really need to run a lot and do hills.

5/8/2012: 3 mile run
5/20/2012: Bay to Breakers! 10:22.

6/1/2012: 3 mile good-bye run with the lab!


  1. If you want to maintain the running schedule, please make sure you eat well and rest well.

  2. Aw, thank you! You are reminding me that I should go to sleep now :)
