Saturday, June 16, 2012

I'm So Terrified.

Medicine is terrifying. On Monday, I officially begin the first rotation of my fourth year. I will be expected to know more than I did last year, to care for patients more fully, to have memorized a larger percentage of relevant facts. That is scary enough; but at least the damage I can do to my patients will be limited by the supervision of those above me. One thing that really scares me, though, is being expected to teach third years. I do not know enough to teach third years! I've been off the wards for an entire year. I have no idea what I'm going to do or how I'm going to learn the material I need to learn. This afternoon I am having a little attack of nerves that makes it hard to breathe, let alone study. I'm going to go home to my nice B and spread my books out on the dining room table and try to get some work done. It's just difficult to read and process information as though you have all the time in the world when you have a Clock O' Doom ticking in the back of your mind.


  1. You'll be great. Remember, "Wonders can be accomplished overnight."

  2. Sometimes getting a bout of nerves and being anxious about one's performance is quite normal. and even desirable.
    It arises from the desire to do well, which in and of itself is a good thing. This is what happened to Rafael Nadal during the rain delayed Frech open finals. He went back to court the next morning and completed the delayed set, demolishing Djokovic in the process!

    Don't worry -- you'll do exceedingly well.By this time next week, once you get into the thick of things, you'll have forgotten about the attack of nerves.

    A short jog/ yoga session might also help put things in perspective.

    You'll do great. Best wishes and prayers as always, AV

  3. Thanks, you guys! It's true that stress can be helpful. You just need to channel the stress into productivity. Sometimes, a setback can give you the energy you need to make a Nadal-like comeback.
