Sunday, April 29, 2012

Death on our Floor

Our lab is under quarantine. Someone in another lab on our floor died, so the whole floor has been cordoned off and we all have to take antibiotic prophylaxis. The poor guy. My boss called me at home to let me know. So I guess I work from home/library on Monday, until this is resolved. Good thing I didn't leave my workout clothes at work. And glad that all the medical students are required to have vaccinations. I'm afraid all my transfected cells will die, and that's a year's work. But that is nothing compared to what the guy's family must be feeling. Oh, I hope he didn't have any children. Or parents. Or a spouse. Or siblings. Anyway, my job now is go pick up my prescription and then text or e-mail my boss to let her know she can check me off the prophylaxis list.

P.S. I have edited this to remove any identifying details, and am not authorized to discuss them publicly, but I will update family in a private email.


  1. Hope things are back to normal at the lab...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oops, where'd my comment go? Their lab is closed indefinitely, which I think unfortunately means that their PI's career is on pause indefinitely. Our lab is back up & running again, but there's an undertone of sadness on the floor.
