Today I started thinking about what happens when I return from the honeymoon. What are the most important things to focus on this year? I want to give a lot of thought to my future career and my professional identity. As a doctor, one can travel many paths: clinical care, education, research, administration. It's hard to do everything, and it's impossible to do everything well. My mentor and I had a conversation about this. Her take was that at some point, you just have to accept that with all the things you do, you will do none of them at your absolute full capacity. While that is true, I don't think it follows that you should overextend yourself to the point where you feel you are doing a mediocre job of everything. So this year is about career discernment. How do I want to make an impact in the world? How can I be of most use? What path will give me the most fulfillment?
The other concern is practice. Often, something just isn't going to be fun or interesting until you have devoted enough time to becoming good at it. I'm 26 now, and one important question comes to mind: how long am I going to spend being a beginner at many things, as opposed to advancing in a few chosen areas? So this year is also for taking stock of the skills and talents I have and capitalizing on them, rather than trying everything on for size. I'm getting impatient with not knowing anything about anything. Also, if you are a beginner you end up taking a lot of help and not giving very much back.
One of the lessons I think America can learn from the UK is that of encouraging vocations in young adults. I think many 16 or 17 year olds do know what kind of work suits them. The trouble in the States is that our indecision is encouraged, even applauded. We do four years of college. Then I did four years of masters/MD, with one research year and one additional clinical year still to go. But the choices that once felt so freeing are beginning to drag me down. I want to define myself further, not open even more doors and then stand before them all saying, "Look at all the things I might do!" Which is why this year is important.
All of this said, I have compiled a checklist of things I want to focus on this year. Hopefully, I will look back at this next May and have a tangible record of whether I met my goal.
2011-2012 Checklist:
1. Work on my work ethic.
2. Submit my thesis work to a journal for publication.
3. Finish a cohesive research project at the lab this year.
4. Decide my top two specialty choices and arrange electives accordingly.
5. Find a non-academic activity to channel my creative energies.
6. Develop good study habits and practice with my licensing exams!
7. Make time for friends and home life.
Even when plans don't work out, isn't it fun to plan? I almost feel like anticipation is half the fun! Hmmm. I don't know if that applies to a honeymoon. Anyhow, until next time!